strategic IT planning

Strategic IT Planning aligns your information technology with your organization’s mission, plans, goals. Optimize your IT investment by ensuring it enhances rather than hinders.

The information technology system used in an organization is typically comprised of many subsystems that ideally work together synergistically in an cohesive, integrated manner.  But the IT system is itself part of the larger organization.  Unless the strategic IT plan is developed in the context of that larger system, it cannot support the goals, ambitions, and aspirations of those who work so hard to achieve them.  That’s why our strategic it planning process starts with and understanding of your mission, your metrics, your plans, and your people.  We don’t settle for “cheaper, better faster” and neither should you.  Expect more from your IT and from your IT consultant.

Some people think of strategy as a plan.  A strategy is better thought of as underlying themes to be used to achieve organizational goals.  A plan contains more specific actions that include timelines.  A strategic plan is one that aligns the required actions with the selected strategies.  The IT strategic plan helps the business leverage one of its most important assets, the organization’s information technology, implement those strategies.   The strategic IT planning process IT increases the value of the  business value  by making the best use of information technology resources.

The best IT plans delineate what has to be done, and in what order depending upon priority and dependencies, and the quantitative, objective metrics by which success of the company and the plan are assessed.

Mantos I.T. Consulting, Inc. is different from most IT consulting firms in that we start by looking at your business and talking with your people about their goals and what keeps them from being achieved.  Other I.T. firms tend to look at your systems first and suggest ways to do what you are doing cheaper, better, faster, and the better ones also look to reduce your risks.   We look at what you are trying to do and suggest appropriate technologies for your unique situation.  We offer you a competitive advantage by looking ahead and exploiting emerging technologies and discarding those that may be holding you back from achieving true success.

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